
Web Design – Convert Visitors Into Customers

Achieve convincing results with web solutions from Munich! My reliability and innovation are your guarantee of persuasion and sales success with your customers.

Top Services for Your Business

Solutions tailored to the needs of startup, mid-sized company and private equity.

Web Design & Development

A website is a shop window designed to attract customers. Convince them with a high quality, beautiful and accurate website.

SEO München - Genaue Suchmaschinenoptiminierung-Analyse


Better search engine rankings help you reach and retain potential customers. Get your website ranked!


Put your best foot forward…
Well thought out branding will boost your confidence and sales!

Create A Website You’re Proud Of

Find out if I am the right person to make you proud of your website. Let me show you what I can do for your business. Then decide if you want to turn your visitors into customers.

A Recipe for Success!

These customer stories are the result of our proven web design services for bespoke success.

SIMPLY. Logistic GmbH

Simply Perfectly Coordinated

HR Scherer

Tailor-Made Website


New Subscribers Up 212% in One Year

"The process was very efficient, clear and easy to understand. I had previously spoken to other providers who put me off immediately with complex questions".

– Dirk Heuck (Heuck & Company)

Website gets a New Look

An Example from the Real World

Navigation is hidden behind a hamburger menu.
At first, it is not clear what the company is doing, and a long video is playing in the background.
Call to action not understood.


The website of SIMPLY. Logistic Systems needed an update. The company sells successful products that are modern, fast and reliable. The new website should also meet these requirements. This means that the website should reflect the company’s products – quickly and simply.


The foundations for the new website have been laid. This makes the site much faster and more reliable. This meets the first requirement. The second requirement, simplicity, has been achieved by focusing on user-friendliness. The language has become more direct and the products and navigation are recognisable at first glance..

These innovations are crucial to presenting yourself as a successful business. A business that can become a bestseller.

All the key navigation elements are right at your fingertips
It clearly states that the company is a provider of logistics solutions.
The main products are immediately available for visitors to choose.

Get the Results You want with a High Level of Reliability

As a designer I have more than 10 years of experience in problem solving. Through my varied experiences with different challenges in life and work, I have learnt to solve problems in a direct way and produce good ideas.

I believe I can help your business overcome obstacles and grow. Depending on the project, I work with selected freelancers to give you the best results so you can impress your clients and sell better.


Despite my deafness, I have integrated my passion for helping others into my work. Thanks to my deafness, I have managed to turn my weakness into a strength. My communication skills are so strong that I can explain complex issues to anyone in a simple and understandable way.

Let me help you take your business to the next level.

Your Nils Enders-Brenner

Mission Statement

“Less is more, but precision, quality and functionality are essential. With innovation and minimalism we create something new.” – Dieter Rams

Book a Discovery Call for Your Business

Choose one of the dates below for a no-obligation discovery call. This will help you to find out exactly what you need to make your business a success. Then you can be sure that I am the right person for you.